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WoW Arena Allstars 4.2b
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26.05.2010, 08:09

Список изменений:

-implemented a new critical strike system for healing, spells and physical attacks: Now each attack that does damage or healing can crit (only dots and spells that arent supposed to do not crit). Physical DPS classes crit for 2x and casters/healers crit for 1.5x of damage done, this means that the formula "75 x Level of Spell being cast + spelldamage" is no longer being used. ofcourse the spelldamage is being multiplied by 1.5x as well when landing a crit. the minimum amount of damage required for a spell critical is 35. in order for this system to work, all caster's autoattack has been changed from "physical" type to "wand", which deals only 15% to all armor types.
now that there are alot more critical hits, 3 things have been changed:
- +spelldamage is no longer shown above the target, only critical strikes are shown as red numbers which have the +spelldamage included
-resilience decrease the chance to be critically hit by ALL damaging attacks, not only spells, but its effect has been slightly decreased (5 resilience = 5% decreased critical)
-new gear with resilience has been added to the game

-Pets do not land criticals, but their resilience is equal to their master
-spelldamage is no longer applied instantly at the start of the spell, but at the impact of the missile
- "-spell" shows your spelldamage
- "-crit" shows your crit chance

-new Season 8 Items (defensive orientation) available for STR, AGI and INT (costs gold)
-new Tier 10 Items (offensive orientation) available for STR, AGI and INT (costs gold)
-many Items have been adjusted so that they are easier to build with the 1200 gold steps (for example an item that needed a 2000 gold reagent, now needs a 1000 gold reagent and a 1000 gold recipe)
-removed several items that didnt make sense or dont fit to the game (Aldori Defender, Zhardoom, Hellscream's Will, Frostguard, Thunderfury, Demonic Bulwark

-Windfury Totem now gives AOE attack speed bonus instead of WF proc (30% speed), but still grants next attack to proc WF
-Curse of Tongues cooldown lowered to 60 secs
-Intervene no longer procs Macestun on allies

-new Models/Skin for: Feral Bear, Human Holy Priest, Unholy DK, Draenei Blood DK, UD Destruction Warlock, NE Assa Rogue, Bloodelf Affliction Warlock
-several new effects for: vampiric embrace, corruption, unstable affliction, siphon life, devouring plague, prayer of mending, counterspell, arcane barrage, chains of ice, silence

4.1b Fixes:
-fixed critical strikes for Horde players
-fixed "-crit" and "-spell" for all players
-Darkmoon Card and Libram of Renewal no longer stack
-New Item Sets share the cooldown with other Star's Tears items

-increased the area of arathi basin
-rank 1 heals receive full +healing


-all physical classes critical factor has been decreased from 2.0x to 1.75x
-all classes had a base critical chance of 4%, this has been removed, all classes start with 0% + what they get from their attribute
-all casters have their auto attack speed increased (basically its the same now then it was in patch 4.0)
-Marksmanship and Survival Hunters have their base mana increased by 300

-Fireball damage has been increased to 150/300/450 from 130/260/400
-Windfury Totem cooldown has been increased from 18 to 30 secs
-Feral Spirit cooldown has been increased from 60 to 90 secs
-Devouring Plague cooldown increased from 15 to 20 secs
-Haunt increases the amount of damage done by DoTs by ~35% instead of ~20%
-Incinerate damage increased by 20 per rank
-Demonic Armor (Warlock Buff) armor bonus increased from 3 to 5
-Hammer of Justice cooldown changed from 40/35/30 to 40/40/40
-Seal of Command Holy damage decreased from 35/70/105 to 30/60/90

-resilience on the new Wrathful Gladiator gear has been increased from 3 to 5 per upgrade
-Lasherweave gear has its bonus HP decreased from 150/300/450 to 100/200/300
-Ymirjar Battlegear has its strength and damage decreased on all levels

-fixed a bug with devouring plague dealing roughly double damage
-fixed some spells (e.g. Haunt and Corruption) from not using the correct amount of spelldamage
-fixed Messenger of Fate recipe combination
-fixed some tooltips and floatingtexts


-added "-rd" mode (Random Draft) which allows both teams to pick from 3 healers and 9 dps. Works in 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5
-added "-mm" mode (Mirror Mode) which allows some players of each team to pick a class and mirror that class to the opponent. Works in 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4
-added "-swap" command which allows you to swap your class with a team member. Swapping only works at the start of the game or 30 secs within in the repicks of tournament mode. In order for it to work you have to write the following: if you are player 1 and want to swap with player 3 -----> player 1 writes "-swap 3" and player 3 writes "-swap 1"
-made Bridges bigger in Arathi Basin
-Point gain in Arathi Basin has been slowed down to allow comebacks

Classes and Spells:
-all magical DPS classes (only casters, not healers) have their starting mana increased by 400 (this together with the Star's Tears buff should help casters vs heavy melee teams)
-Hand of Sacrafice cooldown reduced to 45 secs
-Curse of Tongues cooldown reduced to 45 secs
-Battle and Demo Shout value increased from 10% to 15%
-Rogue passive Poison procs have been reworked: they now proc when using a finishing move
-Earth Shock now interrupts drain mana
-fixed a bug with druids spawning without their shapeshift ability
-Corruption damage increased
-Killing Spree damage increased
-Spells level up correctly in BGs
-fixed Beastial Wrath in Arathi Basin

-Star's Tears mana restoration per tick has been increased: old formula 50+(10xLevel), new formula 70+(15xLevel)

-added an animation to Human Protection Paladin's Holy Light
-reduced the size of the Siphon Life Debuff


Категория: Карты | Добавил: Мяфк
Просмотров: 5360 | Загрузок: 759 | Комментарии: 4 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 3
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